Hoosiers Outrun Cancer
Hoosiers Outrun Cancer
Hoosiers Outrun Cancer event banner

Hoosiers Outrun Cancer


Sep 30, 2025
10:00 am

Hoosiers Outrun Cancer

Don’t miss out on the oldest and largest 5K event in Indiana: Hoosiers Outrun Cancer! With a new route this year, the race starts and finishes on the North side of Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall.

This event is a heartfelt celebration of all the amazing people in our community who have faced cancer. Teams are formed to honor or remember loved ones, showing our collective support and the incredible strength of our community when we come together.

100% of the proceeds from Hoosiers Outrun Cancer go directly towards providing free cancer support services for anyone impacted by cancer, including patients, survivors, families, caregivers, and friends. These services encompass counseling, health and wellness classes, therapy, social activities, direct financial assistance, and so much more.

Thanks to funds raised from past Hoosiers Outrun Cancer events, a new cancer community center has opened in Bloomington, Indiana, located at 1719 W 3rd Street. This ensures that no one in our community faces cancer alone.

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