Your voice matters!

Help shape a healthier future.

Join the Local Council of Women and help advocate for health care solutions and accessibility for everyone in our community, regardless of their circumstances.

About us

Advocates for community health.
The Local Council of Women in Bloomington, Indiana, is a membership organization focused on health care advocacy. We collaborate with local entities to improve public health policy and health care access. Drawing from our rich history and the expertise of our members and partners, LCW provides a confident voice to effect the change needed for a healthier community.
Years of Service
Scholarships Awarded
$ 0 k
Organizations Founded
Leadership Roles

Our Involvement

How we impact public health.


The Local Council of Women collaborates with partners and supports local programs for a healthier community in Bloomington, Indiana.


Through key healthcare leadership positions, the Local Council of Women plays a vital role in improving community healthcare.


In collaboration with the Bloomington Health Foundation (BHF), LCW awards several healthcare scholarships each year to local students.


The Local Council of Women routinely plans and promotes a wide range of events pertaining to community health for our members and the public.

Annual Dues

Together, we can make a difference!

Individuals and organizations in Bloomington and the surrounding areas of Monroe County, Indiana, are encouraged to join the Local Council of Women and help advocate for solutions to accessibility and delivery of health care in our community.

Young Professional

$ 20
  • Young Professional membership offers local health care professionals ages 18-30 an avenue to advocate for a healthier community at a discounted rate.


$ 35
  • Organization membership provides 1 vote by designated organizational position, offering local businesses an avenue to advocate for a healthier community.


$ 35
  • Individual membership provides anyone in our community an avenue to advocate for community health by participating in meetings, programs, and events.


$ 60
  • Patron membership includes an additional $25 contribution restricted to Scholarship funds and requires no additional commitment beyond financial support.


The Benefits of Membership


Gain access to informative and timely presentations, forums, and news on issues related to health in our community.


Opportunities to network with others who are interested in community health at meetings, programs, and events.


Opportunities to actively participate in community health leadership through committee and board service.

Upcoming Events

Save the Date
Stay updated on community health matters. Check out what’s on the calendar.
Events are subject to change. If you have any questions, please contact us.


Stay Informed
Take a look and see what’s been going on.
Vanessa McClary

President’s Message

Welcome to a new year with the Local Council of Women! We’re excited for all that 2025 has in store

The 2024 LCW scholarship recipients with LCW President Vanessa McClary and IU Health South Central Region President Denzil Ross at the LCW Annual Meeting.

2024 LCW Scholarship Winners

The Local Council of Women (LCW) proudly presented the 2024 scholarship awards at the LCW Annual Meeting on December 6,

LCW Third Quarter Meeting

LCW’s Third Quarterly Meeting

Indiana State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box addresses LCW’s third quarterly meeting State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box and IU



Have a question?
Want to know who we are, what we do, or how you can help advocate for community health? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or ideas.

Your voice matters

Help shape a healthier future.
Contribute to the positive changes happening in Bloomington’s healthcare landscape.